The Cabaret Showdown is a monthly game show produced by Sound Street Productions in association with Frigid New York @ Horse Trade. This unique competition is a mixture of live karaoke and musical improvisation, with a game board. Contestants are asked to choose songs from various categories with no knowledge of what the song will be until 30 seconds before they sing. The winner from each month receives a free one-hour showcase performance at the Kraine Theater presented the following month. Contestants can register in advance at the official website.
The Cabaret Showdown will continue this Sunday, January 14th with a "Weird Science" theme.
The Cabaret Showdown takes place the second Sunday of every month at The Kraine Theater (85 E. 4th Street, between 2nd Ave and Bowery) at 7pm following the winners showcase at 5:30pm. Tickets are $10 - $12 and can be purchased in advance at
The Winners Showcase
Sunday, January 14th at 5:30pm - $10
"April Leonhard Goes to the Movies"
April Leonhard, winner from December 2017
The Cabaret Showdown - Weird Science
Sunday, January 14th at 7:00pm - $12 (includes free beer or soda)
Host: Mark McDaniels (Co-Author, Show Choir! - The Musical)
Co-Host: Diana Byrne as DiVanna
Resident Judge: Donald Garverick (Director/Choreographer, 90210 The Musical)
Guest Judges: Heather Shields (Producer Bandstand) & Keith Varney (Writer/Composer I Got Fired)
For more information please visit the official website: