The Liar Show, New York's first and longest running storytelling game show, lost its home of over 12 years in January, when the legendary Cornelia Street Cafe closed its doors forever. But in February, this much-loved fixture of New York live entertainment will rise from the ashes in a brand new venue Caveat, New York's home for playful, intelligent nightlife.
Call it an unreality show. Since the summer of 2006, The Liar Show has taken the art of deception to theaters, cabarets and cultural centers around the U.S. and Canada and was called A Winner (The Scotsman) and received 4 Stars during a month-long run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Liar has featured New Yorker Magazine contributor Andy Borowitz, Mike Daisey, called "The master storyteller" by the NY Times, and former Bill Clinton speechwriter, Mark Katz in addition to Comedy Central personalities, film directors, lapsed Mormons with a bone to pick with the Almighty, and even an NYPD gang squad detective.
At each show, four performers tell short personal stories, but listen carefully, because one of these people is making it all up. Interrogate the cast and expose the Liar to win our unbelievable T-shirt. But as The Washington Post wrote of our show: Prizes mean nothing compared with the sweet victory of being recognized as the savviest people in the room.