Bagela4Art Productions presents "That Kind Of Love" at The Duplex Theater Tuesday February 19th at 9:30pm. The show stars Danika St.Denis as the lead role of Michaela Fisher. Follow Michaela as she navigates the love, lust, and heartbreak of pursuing a New York City romance...with a little help from her friends. Svetlana Orel on piano with appearances by Kyra Meyers, Josephine Ptacek and Emilie Jensen.
The show will feature music from a variety of genres including pop, musical theatre, and even some original music from songwriters Svetlana Orel and Josephine Ptacek.
Giorgia Testa, CEO of Bagela4Art Productions recently worked with Danika St.Denis in the all-female reading of A Midsummer Night's Dream at The Dixon Place Theater and is ecstatic to be featuring Danika as the lead in this production as well.
Originally from Canada, Danika St.Denis performed with a variety of professional and regional theatres in both Kingston and Toronto. After making the move to New York, she has performed with RWS Entertainment Group, The Other Side of Silence (TOSOS) Theater Co., Living Room Theater Co., AlphaNYC, Our Time Players Theater Co., The Players Theatre, and now Bagela4Art Productions.
A guaranteed enlightening good time that especially fits the February theme of love!
Tickets $5 online at . $8 at the door. Two drink minimum.
February 19th 9:30 pm The Duplex Theater.