BROADWAY SESSIONS is described as an evening of musical performances, games and open mic featuring a new Broadway cast twice monthly. The show is created and hosted by Ben Cameron (Bway Wicked, Aida, Footloose, Dance Captain Dance Attack web series, Broadway Con) and features musical director Joshua Stephen Kartes on piano.
Broadway Sessions will welcome Broadway favorites to share their wildest true audition stories and sing the house down! Scheduled to perform are Shereen Pimentel (West Side Story), Joey Taranto (Kinky Boots), Brynn Williams (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Courtney Bassett (Great Comet), Will Taylor (A Chorus Line), Timothy Quinlan (Caroline, Or Change), Ben Bogen (Frozen) and 'Rising Stars' Miles Boone and Kaylin Hedges.
Following the performances an OPEN MIC party will commence. Sign up to sing will begin at 9:30 as doors open.
Broadway Sessions is a proud supporter of BC/EFA and received the prestigious Ruth Kurtzman Benefit Award at the Mac Awards in 2018.
Tickets are available for purchase at $10 in advance, $15 at the door
Broadway Sessions takes place every 2nd Thursday at The Laurie Beechman Theatre inside the West Bank Cafe at 407 West 42nd street. Doors at 9:30pm. Showtime at 10pm. You can follow Broadway Sessions on social media @bwaySessions and online at and