Keeping the Golden Tenor of Hollywood alive...
Sean Patrick Murtagh proudly presents The Golden Tenor of Hollywood, the 4th installment in the yearlong concert series, THE MARIO 100. Sean Patrick won the 2020 MAC Award for Best Debut for his tribute, Mario! A Salute to the Great Lanza, which reignited a lifelong dream take on the iconic Mario Lanza Songbook. As the centennial celebrations continue, Sean Patrick will present a two-part look at the MGM Years that launched Lanza into stardom. Allow yourself to be swept away for just an hour with songs sure to make you swoon. The concert will be presented on Saturday, April 24th at 6 pm EST/3 pm PST. Live and Free on Facebook:
"Everything you've heard is true. Sean Patrick Murtagh is, indeed, matinee-idol handsome. The lyric baritone-cum-tenor does, in fact, sing in ways that make you wish you had a hand to hold while listening." - Stephen Mosher,
"His resonant tenor and thoughtful phrasing takes us home, wherever that is."-Alix Cohen, Woman Around Town
Sean Patrick Murtagh is an actor and singer based in New York City. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Sean Patrick made the big leap to NYC 10 years ago and has been thriving. His work has been seen on theatrical and cabaret stages on both coasts, Off-Broadway, and on TV & Film. He is a proud member of Actors' Equity Association and represented for the stage by ATB Talent Agency. Most recently, Sean Patrick has been recognized with a BroadwayWorld Cabaret Award nomination for his Pantsless Living Room Concert Series, conceived and performed during the COVID-19 pandemic and live on Facebook.
Future shows include The Toast of Washington Heights- Saturday, May 29th at 6 pm EST; Mario on Broadway- Saturday, June 26th at 6 pm EST; Songs in my Soul- Saturday, July and many to be announced.
photo credit Michael Kushner Photography