"BROADWAY SWINGER" is directed by JV Mercanti (59E59's Songbird, Broadway's Romeo and Juliet) with James Olmstead (composer, NYMF's Gary Goldfarb: Master Escapist) serving as music director. Mr. Eakeley is accompanied by a four-piece jazz featuring piano, bass, drums and sax.
BENJAMIN EAKELEY will present his encore performance of "BROADWAY SWINGER" at Feinstein's/54 Below (254 West 54th Street) on Monday, May 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM . Cover charges start at $35 with a $25 food and beverage minimum. Tickets and information are available at www.54Below.com. Tickets on the day of performance after 4:00 PM are only available by calling (646) 476-3551.
Eakeley has appeared on Broadway in the revivals of Cabaret, Sweeney Todd, On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, and the current Roundabout revival of She Loves Me at Studio 54. In 2014 Time Out New York named him one of "The 10 Hottest Chorus Boys Opening in Broadway Musicals This Spring," and he was later photographed in the December issue of Vanity Fair alongside Emma Stone and Alan Cumming. His television credits include "Orange Is The New Black," "The Blacklist" and "The Good Wife," and he has appeared in seven films, including The Good Shepherd and the upcoming The Erotic Fire of the Unattainable. He was also a national finalist in the Lotte Lenya Competition for Singers. BROADWAY SWINGER marks his solo cabaret debut in New York.