Rachel Stone, satiric songwriter, is scheduled to perform at NYC's Iguana VIP Lounge and at Kew Gardens Community Center in Queens.
Rachel Stone, acclaimed satiric topical singer/songwriter and Community Cabaret producer, taking a break from producing, has two performances coming up in mid-August.
NYC AT THE IGUANA! Rachel Stone will be one of 5 showcased cabaret performers at the "Wednesday Night at the IGUANA" series hosted by Dana Lorge & Richard Skipper on August 12, 2009, from 8pm-11pm. Other performers are Arianna, Barbara Gursky, Barbara Porteus and Leslie Orofino, with Barry Levitt on keyboard and Saadi Zain on bass. Just $10 cover, with no purchase minimums. Affordable drinks and good Mexican food available. Reservations required: call (212) 765-5454. Location: The Iguana VIP Lounge, 240 West 54th St., NYC.
YES, IN QUEENS...AND IT'S FREE! The following Wednesday afternoon August 19, 2009 at 1:00pm, Rachel Stone will be part of "the 22 Below mostly original musical comedy show" in Kew Gardens, Queens along with The Elegant Ivory Duo (producers/hosts), Carl Sievert, Shawn Norton and Kim Rich. Admission is FREE. Show runs from 1:00-2:20pm, followed by free refreshments. Location: Kew Gardens Community Center, Room 202, 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Kew Gardens, NY 11415 • phone: 718-268-5960. Entrance on Union Turnpike at Queens Blvd. Large black office building. Bring ID to enter. E & F Union Tpk/Kew Gardens subway stops in front. Q-60 bus is ¼ block away.
Rachel can be reached at 718-472-0102 or rachel.stone@verizon.net and her website is www.rachelstonemusic.com.