The show featured poetry from Benjamin Garcia & Sandra Lim; music from Elisa Galindez & Kathel Griffin; and comedy from Divya Gunasekaran.
NYC "variety salon" Poetry/Cabaret welcomed Spring with "SHOCKED!" as host Thomas March and the cast shared tales of unexpected surprise-along with shocking confessions of their own.
Check out photos below!
In addition to Thomas March's (shocking) topical monologue about nearly dying (twice) at Dollywood, the show featured poetry from Benjamin Garcia & Sandra Lim; music from Elisa Galindez & Kathel Griffin; and comedy from Divya Gunasekaran. Music Director Drew Wutke kept things lively and smooth, as always.
Photo credit: Christine Fischer
Sandra Lim
Benjamin Garcia
Divya Gunasekaran
Amy Jo Jackson
Kat Griffin and Amy Jo Jackson