The show featured musical direction and arrangements by Yasuhiko Fukuoka, guests Mauricio Martinez and Jonathan Hoover, and Rozelle’s band The Two Drink Minimum.
Following up his critically-acclaimed Birdland debut this past November, BroadwayWorld Award-winner Robbie Rozelle returned to the scene of the crime with "The Inevitable Return" on Monday, April 4.
"The Inevitable Return" was a carefully curated evening of chaos unleashing Rozelle's razor-sharp wit, signature medleys, and special guests. Rozelle is one part raconteur, one part stand-up comic, and one part musical storyteller.
The show featured musical direction and arrangements by Yasuhiko Fukuoka, guests Mauricio Martinez and Jonathan Hoover, and Rozelle's band The Two Drink Minimum.
Photo Credits: Kevin Alvey
Johnny Wise, David Ahston, Wes Bourland, Robbie Rozelle, Mike Lunoe, Bobbie L Crow III, Yasuhiko Fukuoka
Mauricio Martinez, Robbie Rozelle, Jonathan Hoover
Mauricio Martinez, Robbie Rozelle, Jonathan Hoover
Jim Caruso, Mauricio Martinez, Robbie Rozelle, Jonathan Hoover
Robbie Rozelle, Yasuhiko Fukuoka
Jonathan Hoover, Jim Caruso, Mauricio Martinez
Robbie Rozelle, Mauricio Martinez
Robbie Rozelle, Mauricio Martinez
Robbie Rozelle, Mauricio Martinez
Robbie Rozelle, Mauricio Martinez
Robbie Rozelle, Jonathan Hoover
Robbie Rozelle, Jonathan Hoover
Robbie Rozelle, Brad Simmons, Susie Mosher
Robbie Rozelle, Brad Simmons, Susie Mosher, Jonathan Hoover
Robbie Rozzelle, Todd Buonopane
Robbie Rozelle, Sean Patrick Murtagh