The show was written by Diamond and Robbie Rozelle, directed by Rozelle, and featured musical direction and arrangements by Luke Williams.
How do you solve a problem like Jennifer Diamond? That's been a recurring theme as she's navigated a career in musical theatre. Always "a little too much of" one thing and "not enough of" another, she's never been able to find a place to plant herself and be exactly enough. Throwing caution to the wind and freeing herself from a room at Pearl, "Let Me Be Me" unleasheed the authentic Jennifer as she traversed roles she has played, should play and could play - with special guests and a full band - if only they would just let her be her. Originally intended for March of 2020, the pandemic and a new child added their own curveballs and chaos to explore.
The show, written by Diamond and Robbie Rozelle, directed by Rozelle, and featuring musical direction and arrangements by Luke Williams, arrived at the Green Room 42 on Friday night and BroadwayWorld was there for the special occasion. Click here to read our review of the show and check out photos from the big night below!
Photo Credit: Genevieve Rafter Keddy
Jennifer Diamond, Joseph C. Townsend and Caitlin Gallogly
Jennifer Diamond, Joseph C. Townsend and Caitlin Gallogly
Jennifer Diamond and Mauricio Martinez
Jennifer Diamond and Mauricio Martinez
Jennifer Diamond and Joseph C. Townsend
Jennifer Diamond and Donna Vivino
Jennifer Diamond and Donna Vivino
Jennifer Diamond with the band- Evan Hyde, David Mayers, Luke Williams, E. Zoe Hassman and Wes Bourland
Jennifer Diamond with Evan Hyde, Joseph C. Townsend, David Mayers, Luke Williams, Caitlin Gallogly, E. Zoe Hassman and Wes Bourland and
Jennifer Diamond and Robbie Rozelle
Jennifer Diamond and Robbie Rozelle
Donna Vivino and Jennifer Diamond
Donna Vivino and Jennifer Diamond
Jennifer Diamond and Mauricio Martinez
Jennifer Diamond and Mauricio Martinez
Mark William and Jennifer Diamond
Robert Diamond and Jennifer Diamond