“Jim Caruso’s Cast Party” has been celebrating an enormous variety of talent on the Birdland stage (and across the country) since 2003.
"Jim Caruso's Cast Party" has been celebrating an enormous variety of talent on the Birdland stage (and across the country) since 2003.
Every Monday, showbiz superstars hit the stage alongside up-and-comers, serving up jaw-dropping music and general razzle-dazzle on the Birdland stage. Showman Jim Caruso guides the entire affair with razor-sharp humor. Musical director Billy Stritch holds court at the ivories, along with Steve Doyle on bass and Daniel Glass on drums. But the real fun starts when the audience participates in the onstage festivities. Broadway legends, jazzers, cabaret divas, starry-eyed tourists, and kids right off the bus storm the stage to entertain each other. If you have a voice, a dream, and some sheet music, your Cast Party moment awaits.
This past week featured a wonderful array of talented performers, including Ava Locknar, Lily Soto, Jenna Esposito, Charles Broelman, Jake Wildhorn, Bryce Edwards, Gerrilyn Sohn, Marnie Klar, Mbabazi, Curtis Holland, Gabrielle Stravelli, Pat O'Leary, Victoria Khalil, Daniel Criade, Lisanne Veeneman, Michael Winther, Brian Eng, and Jacob Khalil. The New York Times called Cast Party "show business heaven," the Wall Street Journal claimed it is "the gold standard of open mic nights," and Time Out New York exclaimed "this Party is a vital pulse point of the musical theater bloodstream."
Visit CastPartyNYC.com and follow us on Instagram at @jimcarusoscastparty.
Photo Credit: Kevin Alvey
Lily Soto, Ava Locknar, Jim Caruso
Lily Soto, Ava Locknar
Charles Broelman
Daniel Criade
Brian Eng
Lisanne Veeneman
Lisanne Veeneman
Victoria Khalil
Brian Eng, Jim Caruso, Michael Winther, Jake Wildhorn
Jim Caruso, Dave Karger, Billy Stritch, Terry Clark, Fred Dixon