Renowned hotelier Robert "Toshi" Chan, owner of the Flatiron Hotel, in conjunction with producer Darrel Alejandro Holnes, presents Understudies & Swing(er)s at Toshi's Living Room. Taking place Monday nights from 6pm to 9pm when theaters are dark, Understudies & Swing(er)s features the talented understudy and swing performers of popular Broadway shows who have not yet been featured in starring roles on the Great White Way.
Understudies & Swing(er)s will kicked off last night, March 11 with Genny Lis Padilla (In the Heights, Rent) and continues in the weeks ahead with other Broadway notables such as Erik Heitz (Damn Yankees), and Brian Kess (Beauty and the Beast, All Shook Up).
BroadwayWorld has photos from last night's show. Scroll below!
The performances are preceded with a special Happy Hour from 5pm to 7pm. Admission is free of charge. There is a $10 food and drink minimum for general seating and a $20 minimum for seated tables. Media is encouraged to attend. To RSVP email Laura Salerno at or (212) 843-9361. Photo Credit: Sofia Verzbolovskis and Benjamin Chasteen
Brian Kess (Beauty and the Beast)
Darrel Alejandro Holnes and The Swung Swang Band
David Engelhard, Darrel Holnes and The Swung Swang Band
Genny Lis Padilla and Kyle Carter (In the Heights)
Genny Lis Padilla (RENT, In the Heights)