A Broadway World Cabaret exclusive yields stunning art of a stunning artist.
Kabarettist Kim David Smith returned to Club Cumming recently with his MOSTLY MARLENE show - mostly because he serves up a healthy dose of honoring the legendary Ms. Dietrich, but he can never resist the temptation of a little Minogue, too. An artist with a healthy following of happy patrons who can always see a KDS show, Smith's tribute show never wants for "bumms in seats, luv" and this last run of shows had some attention from two different Broadway World Cabaret correspondents. Read Ricky Pope's review from opening night HERE and scroll through a collection of Helane Blumfield photos below, to get a feel for just how special is this show created by Kim David Smith and Musically Directed by one of the most popular ladies in the business. That's no lady - that's Tracy Stark! Smith makes nary a move without Stark, and it shows in their program, one of the most popular the cabaret scene has seen, these last few years.
Find great shows at Club Cumming on their website HERE.
Kim David Smith's website is HERE.
THIS is the Helane Blumfield website.