They are a whirl wind of songs and comedy and the the eye of the Will & Anthony entertainment hurricane made landfall at The RRAZZ Room in Boca Raton last night and Broadwayworld was there. Check out the photos.
The talented Nunziatas have been exciting audiences in Palm Beach, Miami, Boca Raton, Venice, and Naples Florida. Their engagement at The RRAZZ Room was introduced by Legends Radio Hosts Jill & Rich Switzer who will also be performing at the premier theatre venue in MIzner Park onApril 22nd.
Photos by Stephen Sorokoff
Anthony Nunziata & Will Nunziata
Will & Anthony
Will Nunziata & Anthony Nunziata
The RRAZZ Room
The RRAZZ Room
Standing Ovation
The Fans
Will Nunziata, Ruth Brenner, Anthony Nunziata
Coming Attractions