Acclaimed vocalist, Marieann Meringolo sings from the heart in her funny, poignant and romantic new show, Crazy Love. Please join Marieann as she explores the journey...and the risks...we all must take on the road to that "special someone." Directed by Eric Michael Gillett, the show features Musical Direction by Doyle Newmyer.
Check out phtoos from her special night below!
Photo Credit: Stephen Sorokoff
Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
Brian Woodruff, Boot Maleson, Doyle Newyer
Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
Marieann Meringolo
EDa Sorokoff, Marieann Maringolo, Bernard Furshpan, Joanne Camilleri-Furshpan, KT Sullivan, Stacy Sullivan
Marieann Meringolo