In a show titled "Singing Again...For the First Time" Marci Kraft, lawyer at the New York Times (and graduate student of Marilyn Maye's master class) performed music of the 20's & 30's last night at Don't Tell Mama. Marilyn Maye in addition to her touring schedule conducts Master Classes of Performance across the country and is also an acclaimed vocal coach.
The music arrangements for this show were by Ms. Maye and pianist Tex Arnold., with Tom Hubbard on bass and Ron Vincent on drums. The shows continue Friday, January 11 at 7 PM, Saturday, January 12 at 6PM at Don't Tell Mama (343 W. 46th Street).
Check out photos from the concert below!
Marci Kraft
Marci Kraft
Tex Arnold, Tom Hubbard, Marci Kraft
Marci Kraft
Tex Arnold
Marci Kraft
Marci Kraft
Marci Kraft
Marci Kraft
Marci Kraft