The Green Room 42 brought the eighth show of "GR42 Sings" back to its stage, now diving into In the Heights. Directed and produced by Quentin Garzón with Musical Director Brian Walters, "GR42 Sings...The Music of In The Heights" explored Lin-Manuel Miranda's inspiring show that led to him becoming a household name.
BroadwayWorld was there and you can check out photos below!
On the heels of the movie coming out come to "GR42 Sings... The Music of In the Heights" to listen to the music that will leave you weeping from its sheer beauty.
The show featured performers Blanca Camacho and April Ortiz from the Broadway Company, Tami Dahbura from the 1st National Tour, as well as Broadway performers Harris Turner (Summer: The Donna Summer Musical), Laurissa "Lala" Romain (Broadway's South Pacific). Rounding out the cast is Quentin Garzón, Shea Gomez, Paul Aguirre, Eddie Morales, Tony Castellanos, Héctor Flores Jr., Andrea Pilar, Stephanie Inglese, Pedro Coppeti, Luis Herrera, Nicholas Leung, Michelle Cabinian, Rachel Sarah Mount, Natalie Perez-Duel, Amanda Lopez, Julien Valme and Stephen Velasquez.
Backing up this group of multi-ethnic performers was Brian Walters on piano, Sarah Tompkins on Percussion, Peter Douskalis on Guitar, Dave D'aranjo on Bass, Kate Amrine on Trumpet, and Peter Charles Isaac on Trombone.
Photo Credit: Genevieve Rafter Keddy
GR42 Presents In The Heights
Quentin Garzon and Tami Dahbura
Paul Aguirre and Biance Camacho
Laurissa "LaLa" Romain
Quentin Garzon and Laurissa "LaLa" Romain
Harris Turner
Quentin Garzon, Shea Gomez and Laurissa "LaLa" Romain
Harris Turner and Shea Gomez
Laurissa "LaLa" Romain
Laurissa "LaLa" Romain
April Ortiz, Shea Gomez, Michelle Cabinian and Laurissa "LaLa" Romain
Eddie Morales
Harris Turner and Hector Flores, Jr.
Eddie Morales and Hector Flores, Jr.
Laurissa "LaLa" Romain
The Band-Brian Walters (Music Director and Piano), Dave D'aranjo (Bass), Peter Douskalis (Guitar), Sarah Tompkins (Percussion), Kate Amrine (Trumpet), Peter Chase Isaac (Trombone) with Harris Turner, Laurissa"laLa" Romain and Quentin Garzon
The Cast and Ensemble-Quentin Garzon, Shea Gomez, Harris Turner, Laurissa"LaLa" Romain, Eddie Morales, Tami Dahbura, Paul Aguirre, Bianca Camacho, Apri Ortiz, Michelle Cabinian, Tony Castellanos, Hector Flores, Jr,, Andrea Pilar, Rachel Sarah Mount, Natalie Perez-Duel, Stephanie Inglese, Amanda Lopez, Pedro Coppeti, Luis Herrera, Nicholas Leung and Julien Valme with the band-Brian Walters (Music Director and Piano), Dave D'aranjo (Bass), Peter Douskalis (Guitar), Sarah Tompkins (Percussion), Kate Amrine (Trumpet), Peter Chase Isaac (Trombone)
Shea Gomez and Harris Turner
Quentin Garzon, Shea Gomez, Laurissa "LaLa" Romain, Harris Turner and Paul Aguirre
Harris Turner and Shea Gomez
Shea Gomez and Harris Turner
Harris Turner and Shea Gomez
Quentin Garzon and Tami Dahbura
Quentin Garzon and Tami Dahbura
Paul Aguirre, Bianca Camacho and Shea Gomez
Paul Aguirre and Bianca Camacho
Michelle Cabinian, Eddie Morales, Paul Aguirre, Bianca Camacho and Tami Dahbura
The Cast and Ensemble-Quentin Garzon, Shea Gomez, Harris Turner, Laurissa "LaLa" Romain, Eddie Morales, Tami Dahbura, Paul Aguirre, Bianca Camacho, Apri Ortiz, Michelle Cabinian, Tony Castellanos, Hector Flores, Jr,, Andrea Pilar, Rachel Sarah Mount, Natalie Perez-Duel, Stephanie Inglese, Amanda Lopez, Pedro Coppeti, Luis Herrera, Nicholas Leung and Julien Valme