A tribute to one of the great Friars was held at the legendary club last night. Significantly it was held in the Frank Sinatra room, the crooner who is most identified with Sammy Cahn's songs. Songwriter Sammy Cahn career was presented in live performance, rare video clips, and historical lecture.
The evening was hosted by Friars Bill Boggs & Will Friedwald with music direction by Jonathan Mastro. Performing Sammy Cahn's songs were, Vincent Ricciardi, Eric Comstock, Barbara Fasano, Steven Maglio, Colleen McHugh, Ann Hampton Callaway, Marissa Mulder, Sigali Hamberger, Nick Ziobro, and Robert Davi. A special highlight of the evening was the interview of Mr. Cahn's widow, Tita Cahn by Friar Bill Boggs
Photo Credit: Stephen Sorokoff
Friar Sammy Cahn
Tita Cahn and Cast
The Frank Sinatra Room
Bill Boggs & Tita Cahn
Vincent Ricciardi
Eric Comstock & Barbara Fasano
Steven Maglio
Bill Zeffiro, Sigali Hamberger, Bill Boggs, Will Friedwald, Nick Ziobro, Marissa Mulder
Bill Boggs Michael Gyure, Executive Director Friars, Tita Cahn
Bill Boggs, Edith Drake, Tita Cahn
Bill Boggs, Edith Drake, Tita cahn
Faith Prince, Husband, Kari Strand, Ann Hampton Callaway
Ann Hampton Callaway, Mr. & Mrs. Danny Bacher
EDa Sorokoff, Ann Hampton Callaway, Kari Strand