Collaborative Play Productions proudly presents "Performers for Peace" a benefit concert on October 15 at The Triad, in support of Physics for Peace & Collaborative Play Productions, celebrating acts of creation in a time of war.
The concert features Nick Blaemire (Altar Boyz/Cry Baby), Jeremiah Downes, Lyndy Franklin (A Chorus Line), Larry Hamilton, Carly Hughes, (Spelling Bee/How The Grinch Stole Christmas), Jesse Johnson (Altar Boyz), Patrick O'Neill, Jessica Lea Patty, (A Chorus Line), Tory Ross (The Producers Nat. Tour/Cry Baby), Cheryl Stern (The Women/I Love You, You're Perfect), Teal Wicks (Pippin Tour). Directed by Billy Bustamante. Musical direction by Rob Tucket.
"Performers for Peace" will take place Monday, October 15 at 9PM at The Triad (158 West 72nd Street, 2nd Floor). For reservations and information contact
Founded in July of 2006 by Lorraine Cink, Candice Alustiza, and Billy Bustamante, Collaborative Play believes that through the collaboration of emerging artists we not only advance the theatrical art form, but enrich and educate the lives of our audiences as well. We are committed to the production of new works and innovative reinterpretations of plays, musicals, and other theatrical experiences at an affordable price. Through theatre we aspire to inspire dialogue between current and future artists and audience members about art, world issues and the human experience.
Dr. Charles E. Horton, Sr., an internationally acclaimed humanitarian and renowned plastic surgeon from Norfolk, Virginia, established Physicians for Peace in the early 1980's as a private, volunteer, non-political, non-sectarian organization with respect and compassion for members of all nations. Following great interest and success, the organization was legally founded in 1989.