Broadway Rhythm and Booze, a cabaret series created as a platform to highlight the soulful talents of the Broadway community, will take place on Monday, June 11, 2012 at Flute Bar in Gramercy at 40 E. 20th Street, New York, NY. Performance begins at 9:30pm. All proceeds of this installment of Broadway Rhythm and Booze are going to benefit the Billy Davis medical fund. Recently, Billy suffered life-threatening injuries in a motorcycle accident and is pulling through with the continued love and support from friends, family and fans alike. Living as a freelance personal trainer in New York City, Billy and his family need your assistance to start relieving the unrelenting pile of medical bills. A donation of any amount will receive admission. For more information please visit
Evoking the neighborhoods industrial architecture, this swank champagne lounge boasts an original collection of artwork and an atmosphere where every guest has a VIP experience. Headline talent includes Broadway Rhythm and Booze veterans Moya Angela, Trevon Davis, Chester Gregory, Douglas Lyons, and Adrienne Warren. Music Director, Steven Jamail has conducted tribute concerts for Chita Rivera, Cyndi Lauper and Queen Latifah and has performed with jazz legend Chick Corea, the Houston Symphony and the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. Jamail is joined by Colin Dean (Bass) and Kevin Sport (Drums).
“N+N Productions is thrilled to have created a family through Broadway Rhythm and Booze and we are honored to support one of our own,” said Nikole Vallins and Natalie Malotke, Producers. “Nikki Kimbrough has been an integral part of every concert as the loveable host, powerful vocalist and endearing friend. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to help her in her time of need.”
Flûte was created by founder and owner Hervé Rousseau, in 1997, in a space that was once home to the Prohibition-era speakeasy, Club Intime. A native Parisian, Hervé was inspired by his experience in the wine industry to combine New York’s unparalleled cocktail culture with a French attitude towards champagne, where no one waits for a special occasion to pop open a bottle of bubbly. The menu contains “The Magic Flutes”, trios of champagnes each made from a single grape and savory plates including yellowfin Tuna Tartare and their Signature Vietnamese Fusion Spring rolls, perfect for an evening filled with soul.
Nikole Vallins and Natalie Malotke are an independent producing and consulting team. Recent credits include: Fingerlickin Fierce at The Canal Room; Broadway Celebrates Whitney at Joe’s Pub, Rachelle Rak’s “I’M IN”, D. Watts’ Spoken Word Preserves: The Jam, The Music of Steven Jamail at The Lincoln Center Library, Indomitable: James Brown at Le Poisson Rouge; National Asian Artist’s Project’s, Oklahoma!; Steven Jamail’s Concert at Hudson Terrace; the 2010 Gala for Transport Group; and the 2011 Gala for A.R.T./New York. For more information:, @NandNprods.