Start 'em young! The Metropolitan Room ramps up its popular Kiddie Kabaret series this spring and summer as the prestigious Flatiron District nighspot stages weekend training sessions and shows for youngsters and teens interested in live entertainment.
The Metropolitan Room's ample young people's programming comes in three flavors!Chocolate! Kiddie Kabaret for Kids. These multi-disciplinary shows are a fun mash-up of comedy, magic and showmanship, hosted by none other than Mario the Magician on on Saturdays May 18, June 1, 15, and July 6 (all at 11:30am), and Silly Billy on Saturday July 13 at 11:30am. Talk about Broadway Babies! It's never too early to teach a kid how to structure a joke, build a magic trick, banter with the audience, and make things disappear. General admission $30, students $20 per session.Vanilla! For youngsters ages 7 to 13 and their parents, two watch-mostly participatory shows with an emphasis on music are headlined by professional entertainers: On Sunday June 9 at 11:30am jazz drumming sensation Tony Jefferson and the Nu Gamma Psi Step Team introduce us to jazz scatting and movement and to jazz goddess Ella Fitzgerald (live via satellite). On Sunday June 23 at 11:30am "It's Summer!" no doubt about it, as the Metropolitan Room stages a ridiculously entertaining show starring Silly Billy, Winston Tall and Ruby Rakos. Tickets are $15.Videos