The show, written and performed by Bernfield, will take place on May 13.
Lynne Bernfield will perform her solo show Bashert - Some Things Are Meant To Be! on Saturday, May 13 at 2:30 at The Triad Theater (158 West 72nd Street, New York, NY 10023).
Bashert - Some Things Are Meant To Be is about the surprising, unexpected, even seemingly impossible events which occur in our lives: the ironic way two lovers met, the implausible way a performer's career got started, and how, against all odds, a dream/wish came true.
Lynne Bernfield sings sweet, funny, and tender songs which help make the point. Audiences are delighted to recognize, in these stories, events from their own lives. They leave the theater uplifted, optimistic and eagerly sharing their Bashert stories.
Please note: There is a 2-drink minimum at the theater.