Entertainer, vocalist and jazz aficionado Keith A. Dames will be joined by The Danny Mixon Quartet on Saturday, January 28 for his7:00pm performance at The Metropolitan Room (34 West 22nd Street) in Manhattan. For reservations and more information, contact 212.206.0440 or go to:metropolitanroom.com
A native of Miami, Florida, of Bahamian descent who now resides in Harlem USA, Dames considers himself a student of the Billie Holiday School of Music and has released two self-produced CD's featuring Billie's compositions as well as tunes from the American Song Book. A graduate of City College, Dames has also appeared at Stage 72 (The Triad) Jazzmobile, and the Manna House Workshops.
The event is co-produced by SeMad Productions and admission - which includes a complimentary copy of Keith's CD "Left Alone" - is $24.00 in advance plus a $25.00 food / beverage minimum - per person. Specially priced VIP "Silver" and "Gold" packages are also available. Doors open at 6:15pm and The Metropolitan Room is located on West 22nd St. (between 5th and 6th Aves). Subways: #1, "F", "N", "R" to 23rd Street. For additional information, contact: keithadames@aol.com /