On April 28th at 7 pm, join Simonello for a journey through the rough waters of gay singledom in search of the elusive Mr. Right
Cabaret performer Bob Simonello (FLIGHT, ROLLIN’ a 7, Barry Levitt’s CLASS ACTS, Carly Ozard’s) is bringing his cabaret show ON MY WAY to the Green Room 42 on Sunday April 28th at 7 pm. Bob, former lead singer of the band MONDAY’S CHILDREN, explores the rough waters of gay singledom in search of the elusive Mr. Right, and shares his experiences living through significant moments in gay history, including the Stonewall Riots and “the colorful sides of the “love that dare not speak its name”, from the disco 70’s to the present.” The funny, heartfelt, and “gay-centric” show will be directed by Kristine Zbornik, with music direction from Jeff Harris. Read our conversation about the show below.
Can you tell me a bit about your upcoming show?
I wrote this show during the Covid lockdown. On the surface it’s a show about love and the search for the perfect relationship, the elusive Mr. Right. As the story unfolds it becomes clear that the search is for something more profound. The early part of the show sets the stage, recounting (in song) my “Serendipitous” coming out) in the 60’s (at 19)… on Fire Island. Serendipity is an important part in the story.
I’ve chosen a variety of song genres to tell my story and to take the audience on a journey through the “more colorful sides” of gay life: the secret haunts where gay men rendezvoused before and after Stonewall, unexpected situations they encountered, the 70’s disco era and beyond. It is at a famous Disco where I meet the Mr. Right!!!
Heartbreak ensues and it‘s back to square one. But my search continues even as age starts taking its toll. And just when all hope seemed lost, something unexpected and wonderful happens.
I don’t want to give away the ending. Let me just say that, despite all the ups and downs and the twists and turns, my search leads me to love in a most unexpected place and to life-changing revelations.
It’s a fun, gay-centric evening.
Your show is, in large part, about the history of your dating life through the decades. How's that been going lately?
Oy! That’s a whole other show. The last song in the show pretty much answers that question.
Do you have any words of wisdom for young gay men looking to find love today and navigating the world of dating apps?
ALWAYS MEET FIRST!!! Get to know person before you get intimate. Most important BE YOURSELF; BE AUTHENTIC. See things as they are, not as you’d like them to be. Things will never be what you want them to be until you first see the person or situation as it really is in the moment, right in front of you, NOW. (Not an easy task).
What was it like putting the set list together for this? Is there anything you're particularly excited about?
I loved putting this show together. It’s like putting a puzzle together. I searched for great songs, songs that the audience may have never heard but that they can relate to. The songs had to reflect my real-life experiences, flow together one into the other and tell a clear, interesting, and unique story. A show has to have an attitude and, most of all, be ENTERTAINING.
I‘m excited about working again with Kristine Zbornik, my director, and with this band; Jeff Harris, musical direction and pianist, Steve Singer (drums), Scott Thornton (bass), and our newest member Gary Schreiner on harmonica and accordion! This is my second how with Kristine, Jeff, Steve and Scott and our first with Gary. The addition of harmonica and accordion gives the show a whole new exciting feel! I’m loving it!! Rehearsing is a blast! So much fun.
This is my first time at the Green Room 42. I’m also really excited about performing the show there. It’s a beautiful room, with socially distanced tables, a great sound system and really great food (but no food or beverage minimum like most other venues).
What have you been listening to lately?
I have been revisiting all of Nancy LaMott’s recordings. Extraordinary! Even more so today. Maureen McGovern, one of my favorites. And I love Delbert McClinton, country rock blues. Ray Charles is my all-time favorite, I listen to him a lot.
What's coming up next for you?
I’m anxious to see how this is received. I’ll take it from there.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I hope that people who come to the show will have something to take home with them. (Maybe even a question about themselves and relationships).