The performance is on Thursday, May 25th, 2023.
We all go somewhere. Some go on a vacation that turns into an adventure (whether or not an adventure was what we needed). Some of us uproot ourselves from the safety of home and family and move to a strange place. Some are just trying to get across town and end up wildly off course. In this variety show, Brad Lawrence and guests explore why they went out into the world when staying under their covers at home was obviously the safer choice.
Brad Lawrence is a story producer for the RISK! Podcast, a storyteller, and solo show performer who has performed to sold out crowds around the United States and in the UK. As a storyteller, he has performed for RISK!, Story Collider, at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival and was the first person to win back-to-back Moth GrandSLAMs, which led to him becoming a host of the Moth and a regular on Moth Mainstages around the United States. As a solo performer he has performed all over the country,to rave reviews from press and audiences alike. He is the co-producer and co-host of Hotsy Totsy Burlesque, a comedy send-up of Pop-Culture that has run for fifteen years, been featured in the New York Times twice, and sells out The Slipper Room in the Lower East Side every month. Brad is a sought after story coach for individuals and corporations and currently teaches for the Story Studio and The Irish Arts Center and for his own company, Common Thread, dedicated to helping people capture the narratives that have shaped their lives, through storytelling, oral histories, and public communications.
Brad Lawrence
Cyndi Freeman (Stories From The Stage, The Colbert Report)
Blaise Allysen Kearsley (How I Learned, VICE)
Rory Scholl & Jeff Scherer (The BTK Band, Chicago City Limits)
Andy Ross (Real Characters, The Liars Show)