Navigating the new world of online performing has been the new normal for nearly five months. Some artists take to tech easier than others, making their journey into virtual shows a smooth transition, but those people not blessed with a quick understanding of webcams, microphones, Zoom Rooms and more may have struggled a bit, become frustrated, or not even tried, for fear of failure. Those souls (including this non-tech-savvy writer) need worry no further because help has arrived.
Since the very beginning of the global health crisis, David Cabella of Cabaret Hotspot has immersed himself in learning the tech and the way, making it his mission to evolve with the growing needs of the cabaret industry. With laser focus, the co-author of So You Want To Sing Cabaret (with Sue Matsuki) has made his work a 24/7 focus. When Sabella is not teaching online voice lessons, he can be found helping Lina Koutrakos with her weekly classes, acting as producer so that she can focus on teaching, and he is continually focused on finding new ways to bring cabaret to the internet. Now, he is launching an online class to help artists learn to do it themselves. Broadway World Cabaret was provided with the following intel on the online class Mr. Sabella will be offering:
Since March, 2020 performing arts communities, including Cabaret, have been scrambling to figure out how to do what we do online. How do we teach, and/or coach, or collaborate with musicians and singers? The Holy Grail of technological feats is, of course, the online synchronous musical collaboration. Can it be done? Yes!
Join David Sabella for this two hour online class detailing different technologies and strategies for optimizing your musical collaboration and teaching over the Internet.
Topics discussed will include:
Optimizing Your Technological Set Up for Online Collaboration
WiFi speed
Ethernet cables and adapters
Hardware and Software requirements
webcams / microphones / audio interfaces / headphones
Optimizing ZOOM settings for Music
Solutions for remote accompaniment (Standard and Personalized arr.)
Solutions for remote teaching/coaching (low latency)
Solutions for remote collaboration (lowest latency, peer to peer music rehearsal)
Step by step instructions given and questions will be answered throughout the session, in real time.
LIVE ZOOM CLASS TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020, 7:00pm - 9:00pm (Eastern Time)
2 hour course - $50.00
Registration will close Monday, August 10 at 7:00pm.
Interested parties can register for the class through the Cabaret Hotspot website HERE