BROADWAY SESSIONS is described as an evening of musical performances, games and open mic featuring a new Broadway cast twice monthly. The show is created and hosted by Ben Cameron (Bway Wicked, Aida, Footloose, Dance Captain Dance Attack web series) and features musical director Joshua Stephen Kartes on piano. This Thursday night, January 23rd, Broadway Sessions will welcome cast members from the Off Broadway hit Emojiland and more.
Emojiland cast members schedule to appear include : Ann Harada, Jacob Dickey, Laura Schein, Heather Makalani, George Abud, Jordan Fife Hunt, Tanisha Moore Music Director Lena Gabrielle, The Emojiland band and more!
Audience members will have the opportunity to WIN TICKETS to Emojiland.
The evening will also feature performances by vocalists Zach Herman and Isabel Stein.
Beginning at 10:30 a limited number of open mic slots will be available to audience members on a first come first served basis. Get there early and get on our list!!
Broadway Sessions recently received the prestigious Ruth Kurtzman Benefit Series Award at the MAC Awards.
For Reservations please go to