Following her sold-out debut engagement in September, Amanda Duarte returns to The PIT (The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street, 2nd Floor, between 6th & 7th Avenues) with her hilarious, very pink solo show, Lucky Pink Wonderland on Thursday evenings during the month of January.
Lucky Pink Wonderland performances are Thursdays at 7PM beginning January 8, 2009, throughout the month at The PIT - The Peoples Improv Theater, (154 West 29th Street, 2nd Floor, between 6th & 7th Avenues). Tickets are $8, and are available for purchase at The box office opens 15 minutes before showtime. Beer, wine, soda and snacks are available for purchase in the lobby. Visit for tickets and showtimes.
Amanda Duarte
New York Theatre: Lucky Pink Wonderland (soloNOVA Arts Festival, PS 122, the PIT), Slavey (Clubbed Thumb), Endoftheworldlovesong (The Flea), The Higher Education of Khalid Amir (Midtown Int'l Fest), Big Love (Theatre for the New City), Songs From the Pac Man (the Bureau). Regional Theatre: Trying, Be Aggressive and Old Money at Theatreworks CA, Two Gentlemen of Verona at San Jose Rep, Tough and The Philanderer at Aurora Theatre, Taming of the Shrew at California Shakespeare Theatre, Minutes from the Blue Route at Magic Theatre, Arrivals/Departures and Three Sisters at Shotgun Players. TV and Film: Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Bay Café, Citizen Candy Man. Member: Guerrilla Dance Team. She has received a Dean Goodman Award, a light dusting of Bay Area Theatre Critics' Circle nominations, and was the recipient of the 2002 San Francisco Bay Guardian Goldie Award for Theatre.