Jonathan Brielle and Friends will bring "I Saw Broadway" to Birdland, featuring Deborah Cox, Matt Bogart, Veanne Cox, Rose Hemingway and Ken Prymus. The Broadway at Birdland concert series presents Jonathan Brielle's I Saw Broadway tonight, November 25 at 7pm.
Composer Jonathan Brielle's I Saw Broadway features songs and stars from three of his new musicals, including Himself and Nora, which, following a critically acclaimed run at The American Theatre Group's Hamilton Stage, is rounding the corner for Broadway; 40 Naked Women, a Monkey & Me, recently seen in a staged reading, and Nightmare Alley a hit at this summer's New York Musical Theater Festival.
Songs will be performed by a group of Broadway's brightest stars including Matt Bogart,
Deborah Cox, Veanne Cox, Rose Hemingway and Ken Prymus, solidly backed by Brielle and his New York hard swinging extraordinary group of musicians who have among them scores of Broadway show credits and hit records. The band includes Musical Director Jeff Klitz on piano, Paul Pizzutti on drums, Ira Siegel on guitar, Jim Hynes on trumpet, Mike Davis on trombone, Dan Willis on reeds and Andy Snitzer on saxophone.
Jonathan Brielle's work has been seen on Broadway: Foxfire (music & lyrics); Off-Broadway: The Great Grandson of Jedidiah Kohler and Besides Herself (music & lyrics). Regional: Himself & Nora (book, music, lyrics) American Theater Group, NYMF, Dublin, Old Globe; 40 Naked Women, A Monkey and Me (book, music, lyrics) Eugene O'Neil Conference; Nightmare Alley (book, music, lyrics), Geffen Playhouse, NYMF; US and UK Tours: Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus; Rugrats; Goosebumps Live. Las Vegas: Enter The Night - 12yrs Stardust Hotel (book, music, lyrics), MadHattan, (book, music, lyrics) New York, New York Hotel. Honors: Board Vice President, Johnny Mercer Foundation; former Nat'l Projects Director, Songwriters Guild of America.
Jonathan Brielle & Friends in I Saw Broadway, tonight, November 25 at 7pm at Birdland, 315 West 44 Street, NYC. 10036$25 cover, $10 food/drink minimum per person