D'Arcy Drollinger presents San Francisco's living legend, Matthew Martin, as Joan Crawford in the drag parody of the 1970 British science fiction horror film, TROG! April 20 - May 12, 2018, Friday - Sunday at 7:00 pm at Oasis, 298 Eleventh St. @Folsom.
Arguably one of the "worst / best" movies ever made, and Joan Crawford's last film, follows Anthropologist Dr. Brockton (Martin) and her discovery of a living troglodyte (an Ice Age 'missing link" half-caveman, half-ape). She manages to domesticate him - until he's let loose by an irate land developer to go on a killing rampage and kidnap a little girl. Trog! Also features drag star Heklina along with a hilarious cast that includes, queens, comedians and clowns - Sue Casa, Adam Roy, Michael Phillis, Rory Davis and special guest appearance by Sara Moore. Set design by Sarah Phykitt. Lighting Design by Sophia Craven. Costume design by Shelby Pujol. Directed by Cindy GoldfieldVideos