Celebrating the release of their third album, The Singing Image of Fire (Circavision, 2010), Prana Trio transfers the universal idea of breath into a musical format. Since 2003, the group has been dedicated to exploring original compositions and improvisations that serve as a frame for the ancient texts of Rumi, Hafiz, Lao Tzu, Kukai, Shankarcarya, Kabir, Issa as well as others. They have toured throughout the United States and Germany and have had the honor of playing with Ran Blake, Frank Carlberg, Dave Fiuczynski, Ben Monder and Stomu Takeishi.
Born in Belgium, raised in Israel and currently residing in Brooklyn, Vocalist and composer Tammy Scheffer's music combines influences of contemporary jazz with her own expressive voice and a strong sense of melody. After graduating from the New England Conservatory in 2009, Tammy moved to Brooklyn and recorded a debut CD featuring her compositions for a sextet, to be released in 2010.
Since arriving to Boston in 2007 Tammy took part in various projects, performing at venues all over the United States. In 2008 she toured with Ayelet Rose Gotlieb's project Mayim Rabim, and performed at PS 122 and Drom Club in NY, Chicago Cultural Center, Alevrno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and other premier venues. In March 2008 she has been chosen to participate in the exclusive Betty Carter's Jazz Ahead workshop, a program that took place in Washington DC and Philadelphia, and included three concerts on the Kennedy Center Millennium Stage. Other notable performances include the Virginia Arts Festival, the Regattabar in Boston, and the Tel Aviv Jazz Festival in Israel.
Cover $10 brianadler.com/prana.htm , www.TammyScheffer.com
Hosted by Jane Ormerod
Lust, anger and confusion.
Four poets and performance artists face their audience in this interactive reading. The audience names an emotion, the performers react.
Bliss, obsession or melancholy? You decide!
With Jai Chakrabarti, Kat Georges, Jennifer L. Knox, Richard LorangerCORNELIA STREET CAFÉ
29 Cornelia Street, NYC, New York 212-989-9319
between West 4th and Bleecker Sts, Greenwich Village
1 Subway to Sheridan Square; A, C, E, B, D, V, F to West 4th St.
Tonight At Cornelia Street Café
Thursday Jan 14 8:30PM
David Devoe, host Sunny Kim, voice; Carmen Staaf, piano; Matt Aronoff, bass; Bob Lanzetti, guitar; Nathan Goheen, electric bass; Brian Adler, drums; Andrew Urbina, Aki Nishiguchi, saxophones; Sam Barsh, piano; Dan Loomis, bass; Ronen Itzik, drums