Scott Siegel's Broadway Ballyhoo, which features an entirely different show with different stars every week. The long-running musical revue series, now in its 8th month at the Laurie Beechman Theatre, is delighted to present one of cabaret's most famous stars, BABY JANE DEXTER and the grand dame of musical theater impersonation, Drama Desk Nominee CHRISTINE PEDI. These two stars will be joined by other talented performers that will be announced before Wednesday night's show. But don't wait to make your reservations! In the remarkable mix and match world of the Broadway Ballyhoo, you can be sure that Baby Jane Dexter and Christine Pedi have never, ever been in the same show before this unexpected pairing.
The Broadway Ballyhoo offers an amazing (and different) array of top-flight New York entertainment (almost) every week for just a $25 cover charge with a $15 food/beverage minimum.
Make your reservations for this, or any other upcoming Broadway Ballyhoo show (doors open at 10 PM, show begins at 10:45 PM) by calling 212-695-6909. The Laurie Beechman Theatre is downstairs at The West Bank Cafe, 407 West 42nd Street, just west of 9th Avenue. [Please note that the Broadway Ballyhoo will be skipping Feb. 26th and will return on March 5th.]Videos