It's Ladies' Day on the Pandemic Playlist. These ten women are some of the remarkable females who create the art, the music, the laughs, the emotions that nightclub audiences enjoy so much that they flock back into the clubs on a regular basis. With a cornucopia overflowing with their varied talents, these women do more than provide entertainment - they provide inspiration to the women following in their footsteps and the women filling the nightclub seats.
1. Christine Lavin is a Rennaisance Woman, a poet laureate for the cabaret community, a philosopher, and raconteur. Christine Lavin is loved and revered by all, and none of the praise heaped upon her has gone to her head. She is a genius in blue jeans, a legend in pigtails, an artist in a straw hat. With CDS. books, videos, live shows, and many other acheivements under her belt, Ms. Lavin is the socially-conscious voice of the arts, as is plainly clear in this newly composed song HERE for this day and age. Christine Lavin has a WEBSITE
2. Roberta Feldhusen had her cabaret debut in 2019 in her show "Who's That Woman?" and it makes one wonder why she waited so long, because Ms. Feldhusen is a natural. The response from audiences and critics alike has been positive, so much so that Feldhusen is a MAC Award nominee for her very first ever show. After watching this HILARIOUS number, people will be waiting to find out when her next outing will be.
3. Linda Lavin is a name that is synonymous with quality - quality acting, quality singing, quality humor, quality storytelling, and quality humanity. One of the community's most treasured performers, she is also one of its most cherished people. Show after show, the Tony Award recipient brings her humor and honesty to the stage along with flawless musical timing, emotional interpretation, and some pretty sexy dance moves from time to time. Here is the classic doing a CLASSIC
4. Corinna Sowers Adler is not only one of the industry's most sought after singers, performing in perfectly structured shows that reach out to the audience with an open hand, she is also one of the most in-demand instructors. Her NICORI STUDIOS is a place where amateurs and professionals can go for voice lessons, classes and workshops in every area of the performing arts. To see Corinna prove that those that can do, also teach, see this GORGEOUS performance. See Corinna Sowers Adler online HERE
5. Elizabeth Ward Land has a resume so extensive as to make the eyes bulge and the mouths of casting directors water. A magnificent performer with Broadway, film, and television credits, Elizabeth Ward Land is also the possessor of one of the most powerful and resplendent voices on the concert stage today. A recent Bistro Award winner for her Linda Ronstadt tribute show, EWL displays her vocal gifts in this AMAZING performance. Find Elizabeth Ward Land online HERE (Photo by Bobby Patrick)
6. Carole J. Bufford has been one of the brightest lights in the jazz and cabaret world ever since her introduction to New York audiences. With inestimable vocal skills, unparalleled style, and unfathomable originality, Ms. Bufford has taken her steadily climbing popularity on the road, showing people far and wide why she is such an ORIGINAL. See Carole J. Bufford's website HERE
7. Lorinda Lisitza is a character actress with some impressive credits to her name but no character that she plays (except possibly for Mother Courage) could come close to being as fascinating as Lorinda Lisitza is. A regular contributor to Scott Coulter's concerts, Ms. Lizitza is always FIERCE in her performance and fabulous through and through.
8. Raissa Katona Bennett is an actress who is as comfortable on a Broadway stage as she is on the small screen, acting in dramas, comedies, and musicals anywhere the wind blows. With an affinity for Andrew Lloyd Webber and canines, Raissa brings an affable elegance to every club act she does. Here is a sizzle reel that shows the lovely SOPRANO in some small venue action. Raissa Katona Bennett can be found online HERE
9. Kelli Rabke is the modern Broadway leading lady. Kelli came along at a time when Andrew Lloyd Webber, Boublil & Schonberg, and Stephen Schwartz were creating a new sound for big-voiced actresses with a penchant for a rock sound, and theirs were the musicals she did before taking time off to start a family. That family growing up, Kelli turned her sights to the concert stage, which is where she works, pleasing audiences with her unique sound. Here, she brings that sound to a touching family DUET. Check out Kelli Rabke's WEBSITE
10. Eden Espinosa is one of today's divas. A star on Broadway and on tour, Eden Espinosa is also a recording artist with a voice and a viewpoint all her own. Her recordings and her concert appearances sell out because her (rightly earned) fans will go anywhere to hear her sing and to hear her talk because she is one of the most natural, casual, humorous performers to sit on a cabaret stool and tell a story about her life. See this FORCE of Nature in action and then visit her WEBSITE
Photos by Stephen Mosher except Elizabeth Ward Land by Bobby Patrick, and Christine Lavin & Roberta Feldhushen, both photos provided by the artists.