Alexa Green sent me a message that her student (Alexa is a voice teacher, as well as stellar performer) Jordan Grubb
(Groundhog Day, Spongebob The Musical) had created a Quarantined Lip Sync video to brighten peoples' spirits. Indeed, the creation of such a video doesn't just brighten the days of the people who will smile and laugh and feel connected when they watch it - it has already brightened the days of the creative artists who rely on their work to make their lives and that of their colleagues and families happy.
Artists work for the work, it is true, but performing artists work for the sake of their audiences. After all, if an actor sings a song in the woods and there is no audience there to observe their performance... right? This group of artists did what artists do: they all filmed themselves doing their lip-sync and forwarded the footage to Jordan and he made the video.
Well, Alexa had me at "Jordan Grub filmed..." so I clicked on the Youtube link and found something wonderful worth looking at. So, dear Broadway World readers, I give you: