During the Covid-19 self-quarantine, the artists of the world are doing that which they always do - looking for ways to inspire and draw people together. By now, all have seen the viral videos of people around the world singing from their balconies, some of them in solo videos, some singing as a neighborhood choir, and even one pianist doing "My Heart Will Go On" with a saxophone player on a neighboring balcony. Living Room Concerts have circulated on The Facebook Machine and other streaming platforms, and artists have been filming themselves making music and sharing the videos on their Youtube channels. We at Broadway World Cabaret will happily be sharing their Isolation Creations in periodic postings and we hope everyone will enjoy seeing what being quarantined can do for the artistic mind.
After all, isn't there a meme going around about Shakespeare writing King Lear while quarantined?
Melissa Errico Sings for Sondheim and TheaterPizzazz during Covid-19 comes courtesy of Sandi Durrell and Theater Pizzazz HERE
Nick Cearley and his pooch offer their take on the song "From a Distance" in this video posted to his Youtube channel: SOCIAL DISTANCE
Christine Andreas Sings For Fans During Covid-19 was shared by Sandi Durrell's Theater Pizzazz. HERE
Deborah Stone composed this song CHIAROSCURO yesterday while hangin' at home.
AND Deborah Stone, unable to do a Facebook Live concert, posted this video of her making music around the house: HERE
Jeff Harnar & KT Sullivan & Jon Weber did a little sing-a-long from KT's high-rise overlooking NYC HERE
Just got word that Linda Lavin and Billy Stritch will be on Facebook LIVE today, March 18, at 3 pm HERE
A message from Richard Skipper came in today:
I'm doing a weekly check-in. Think of it as a fireside chat. I keep it upbeat and optimistic and it's a chance for us just to come together and support each other. My next one will be on Thursday at 1 PM. Facebook live. Just follow me on Facebook in order to turn in. Thank you. Richard
As more artists send us their Isolation Creations, Broadway World Cabaret will bring their artistry right into your homes. As the day continues, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay hopeful.