BROADWAY SESSIONS is described as an evening of musical performances, games and open mic featuring a new Broadway cast twice monthly. The show is created and hosted by Ben Cameron (Bway Wicked, Aida, Footloose, Dance Captain Dance Attack web series) and features musical director Joshua Stephen Kartes on piano.
This week on a special TUESDAY night, June 25th, Broadway Sessions will offer up a sneak peek of some of the hottest sows in the upcoming New York Musical Festival (NYMF). EARLY START- doors will open at 9:30 for a 10pm show.
Shows offering up performances include Black Hole Wedding, The Disappearing Man, CHANCE, Bisland and BLY, ALIVE! The Zombie Musical, Overture the Musical, Savage The Musical and Intersecting Chords. Audience members will have the chance to win show swag and more!
Broadway Sessions recently received the prestigious Ruth Kurtzman Benefit Series Award at the MAC Awards.
Reservations are strongly recommended through
Broadway Sessions takes place twice monthly on Thursday evenings at The Laurie Beechman Theater inside The West Bank Café located at 407 west 42nd street (corner of 42nd street and 9th avenue). For a full schedule of show dates or to make reservations (strongly recommended) at Doors open at 10pm with showtime at 10:30. $5 drink specials all night. $10 advance/ $15 at door cover includes a donation to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids. Broadway Sessions is proud of it's collaboration with which offers an exclusive look at Broadway Sessions every Monday. Past performances can be viewed on Broadway Sessions YouTube channel, Follow Broadway Sessions on social media at @BwaySessions.