Hosted by series Producing Artistic Director and Casting Director Stephen DeAngelis, the popular series allows performers to showcase their versatility and share anecdotes about their experiences. Performers scheduled for Sunday, May 7th are
Abby Church (Understudy for the role of Rosemary Pilkingon in
How To Succeed in Business Without ReallyTrying),
Erica Dorfler (Understudy for the role of Felicia Farrell in
Michelle Duffy (Understudy for the roles of Marla McGowan and Sam Nightingale in
Leap of Faith),
LaVon Fisher-Wilson (Standby for the role of Hetaira in
Lysistrata Jones),
Asmeret Ghebremichael (Understudy for the role of Nabalungi in
The Book of Mormon),
David Hughey(Understudy for the roles of Sporting Life, Jake and Robbins in
The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess),
Corey Mach(Understudy for all Male roles in
Stephanie Martignetti (Understudy for the role of Billie Bendix in
Nice Work IfYou Can Get It),
Nic Rouleau (Standby for the role of Elder Price in
The Book of Mormon),
Libby Servais (Understudy for the roles of Lysistrata Jones, Robin, Myrrhine and Lampito in
Lysistrata Jones),
Nathaniel Stampley (Understudy for the roles of Porgy and Crown in
The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess) and
Erikka Walsh (Understudy for the role of The Girl in
Once). Musical Director/Accompanist for the evening will be
Eugene Gwozdz.