A new block of tickets has been added for this Saturday's performance of Joe Gulla's "The Bronx Queen" at Joe's Pub.
The Bronx Queen" was the recipient of this year's Downtown Urban Arts Festival (DUAF) "Audience Award". It is also the first chapter of Gulla's award-winning, "Bronx Queen Trilogy".
The playwright says, "The Bronx Queen is a perfect fit for Joe's Pub. In the show, I talk about how I was a Bronx kid mesmerized by "all things Manhattan". I dreamed of going to all the cool and important clubs that represented the best of New York City to me. I never dared to dream that I would actually be performing at one of my favorites."
"Woman Around Town" commented on Gulla's work: "Outbursts of laughter for which television sitcoms would kill are bridged by stillness evoked by moving dialogue."
"Sure, 'The Bronx Queen' is a comedy", says Gulla. "But, it has some very serious moments where I recall conversations with a grandfather and a father that intimidated me. I also touch on a relationship I had with a boy in my high school who committed suicide. We were not in love. But, that loss affected my life in ways that only writing this show helped me to understand."
Next up for Joe Gulla: His new play, "Sleeping With The Fish", will be part of Emerald Theatre Company's "Out of the Closet" series this September in Memphis, Tennessee. "Sleeping With The Fish" tells the story of one fateful night on the Staten Island Ferry. Two Mafia hit men (in love!) take time to discuss their relationship while simultaneously dumping the body of an ex-colleague overboard."
Bronx-born Joe Gulla is known for writing and starring in his autobiographical, award-winning "Bronx Queen Trilogy". In 2012 and 2013, "The Bronx Queen" won NYC Theater Row's United Solo Awards for "Best Comedic Script" and "Most Popular Show" respectively. His follow-up, "FAGGY at 50", went on to win "Best One Man Show" at the 2014 United Solo Awards. For the final chapter, "Daddy", Joe was awarded the 2015 United Solo Award for "Best Comedian".
Joe also wrote and starred in "Garbo", a breakout hit at the 2012 Times Square International Theater Festival. He appeared as "Frankie" in Off-Broadway's "My Big Italian Gay Wedding" and in the San Francisco production of "Tony and Tina's Wedding" for many years. Joe also starred on NBC's "LOST", one of television's original adventure reality series.
Joe's long-time collaborator, Brian Rardin, directs "The Bronx Queen". Rardin is known for his direction of "Garbo", "Swinging' at Jacks" and "Tony and Tina's Wedding".
"The Bronx Queen" will be performed at Joe's Pub on Saturday, August 20 at 7:30. Tickets are $20.00 and available at The Public's Box Office (425 Lafayette, NYC). For more information, visit http://www.joegulla.com or http://publictheater.org/en/tickets/calendar/playdetailscollection/joes-pub/2016/j/joe-gulla-the-bronx-queen/?SiteTheme=JoesPub