New York Comedy Club Announces Upcoming Events, Sept. 3-4
by Jessikah Hackett - August 20, 2010 The New York Comedy Club has announced upcoming events for the weekend of September 3. The New York Comedy Club is located at 241 E. 24th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave. ) in New York. For subway directions, take the N,R or 6 to 23rd St. For more information about these events or any other upcoming e...
Metzer, Obeidallah, et al. Set for Broadway Comedy Club, 7/31 Weekend
by Lauren Wolman - July 17, 2010 Wed. 7/28 9 pm Sean Patton, Jared Logan...
Northrop Dance Presents URBAN BUSH WOMEN, 10/24
by Nicole Rosky - October 11, 2010 Northrop Dance at the University of Minnesota presents Urban Bush Women on Sun, Oct 24, 7:00 pm at Ted Mann Concert Hall. Zollar: Uncensored is an evocative retrospective collection of feminist works from the 80's and 90's that were not seen during that era of artistic repression in arts presenters ...
Mike DeStefano Highlights New York Comedy Club Bookings, 8/13-15
by Nicolas Coburn - July 28, 2010 The New York Comedy Club at 241 E. 24th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave. ), N.Y., N.Y. 10010 (N,R or 6 to 23rd St.) announces its bookings from August 13 to August 15. For tickets and more information, please call 212-696-5233 or visit
Clayton Fletcher and more Set for NY Comedy Club 10/8-10/9
by Lauren Wolman - September 25, 2010 Fri. 10/8 8 & 10 pm Clayton Fletcher, Mike King, Cara Kilduff...
New York Comedy Club Announces Events for Weekend of 12/18
by Lauren Wolman - December 04, 2010 Fri. 12/17 8 & 10 pm Ron Jackson, Peyton Clarkson, Cara Kilduff...
Broadway Comedy Club Features Ross Bennett and More
by Nicole Rosky - August 24, 2010 Broadway Comedy Club, located at 318 W. 53rd, between 8th & 9th Ave., presents their early September line-up. For more information, visit
The Boondocks: The Complete Third Season Released On DVD 11/9
by BWW News Desk - November 09, 2010 The Boondocks: The Complete Third Season, the third installment of Sony Pictures Television's provocative Peabody Award-winning comedy, debuts on DVD November 9 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment....
Metzer, Obeidallah, et al. Set for Broadway Comedy Club, ThisWeekend
by BWW News Desk - August 01, 2010 Wed. 7/28 9 pm Sean Patton, Jared Logan...
Mike Yard Highlights Broadway Comedy Club Bookings 8/11-15
by BWW News Desk - August 11, 2010 The Broadway Comedy Club at 318 W. 53rd, between 8th & 9th Ave. ( C or E to 50th St. ), N.Y., N.Y. 10019 announces its bookings for August 11 - August 15. For tickets and more information, please call 212-757-2323 or visit
New York Comedy Club Features Paul, Mason, et al., 12/2-4
by BWW News Desk - December 02, 2010 New York Comedy Club 241 E. 24th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave. ) N.Y.,N.Y. 10010 N,R or 6 to 23rd St. 212-696-5233
Dustin Chafin Highlights New York Comedy Club's Weekly Line-Up
by Nicolas Coburn - August 04, 2010 The New York Comedy Club announces its weekly schedule....
New York Comedy Club Features Dustin Chafin
by Nicole Rosky - August 11, 2010 The New York Comedy Club at 241 E. 24th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave. ), N.Y., N.Y. 10010 (N,R or 6 to 23rd St.) announces its bookings from August 13 to August 15. For tickets and more information, please call 212-696-5233 or visit ...
Mike Yard Highlights Broadway Comedy Club Bookings 8/11-15
by Nicolas Coburn - July 28, 2010 The Broadway Comedy Club at 318 W. 53rd, between 8th & 9th Ave. ( C or E to 50th St. ), N.Y., N.Y. 10019 announces its bookings for August 11 - August 15. For tickets and more information, please call 212-757-2323 or visit
Clayton Fletcher, Sheba Mason & More Set for NY Comedy Club, 7/31 Weekend
by Lauren Wolman - July 17, 2010 Fri. 7/30 8 & 10 pm Clayton Fletcher, Sheba Mason, Owen Bowness...
New York Comedy Club Features Yard, Jackson, et al., 9/17-18
by Nicole Rosky - September 03, 2010 New York Comedy Club 241 E. 24th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave. ) N.Y.,N.Y. 10010 N,R or 6 to 23rd St. 212-696-5233
New York Comedy Club Announces Events Thru 10/16
by Lauren Wolman - October 03, 2010 Thurs. 10/16 9pm Superego Comedy Showcase featuring Michelle Dobrawsky and Dale Sorenson...
Family Guy: Partial Terms of Endearment Uncensored Gets Exclusive DVD Release, 9/28
by BWW News Desk - September 28, 2010 Drugs, sex, booze, violence and porn... they have dealt with it all, but the Griffin clan have never been so hilariously controversial when the most infamous unaired episode Family Guy: Partial Terms of Endearment arrives uncensored on DVD September 28 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. ...
Kathy Griffin Added To State Theatre Line-up
by Gabrielle Sierra - August 11, 2010 Kathy Griffin will bring her unforgettable comedy show to the State Theatre in Easton on Wednesday, November 17th for two performances, 6 PM & 9 PM....
Broadway Comedy Club Presents Yard, Hollingshead, Fletcher, et al., 9/1-5
by BWW News Desk - September 01, 2010 Broadway Comedy Club, located at 318 W. 53rd, between 8th & 9th Ave., presents their early September line-up. For more information, visit
Broadway Comedy Club Features Rogell, Young, et al., 10/20-24
by Nicole Rosky - October 06, 2010 Broadway Comedy Club 318 W. 53rd, between 8th & 9th Ave. ( C or E to 50th St. ) N.Y., N.Y. 10019 212-757-2323
Bella Spark Presents 'An Evening With Shirley MacLaine 6/13
by BWW News Desk - June 13, 2010 She's a Hollywood icon, an Academy Award winning actress with over 50 films to her credit....
Broadway Comedy Club Presents Grooms, 9/3
by BWW News Desk - September 03, 2010 Broadway Comedy Club, located at 318 W. 53rd, between 8th & 9th Ave., presents their early September line-up. For more information, visit
Mike Yard Highlights Broadway Comedy Club Bookings 8/11-15
by BWW News Desk - August 14, 2010 The Broadway Comedy Club at 318 W. 53rd, between 8th & 9th Ave. ( C or E to 50th St. ), N.Y., N.Y. 10019 announces its bookings for August 11 - August 15. For tickets and more information, please call 212-757-2323 or visit
New York Comedy Club Features Dustin Chafin
by BWW News Desk - August 27, 2010 The New York Comedy Club at 241 E. 24th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave. ), N.Y., N.Y. 10010 (N,R or 6 to 23rd St.) announces its bookings from August 13 to August 15. For tickets and more information, please call 212-696-5233 or visit ... |