In the new season of Billy the Exterminator, Billy is back in the Bayou to battle a new batch of beasts. From a house full of deadly snakes to one of the largest gators ever seen on the series, it's up to Billy, brother Ricky and the rest of the Vexcon crew to make Louisiana safe for it's citizens. And the crazy quotient only increases as they get calls for everything from a stow away Gila Monster, to a wild donkey gone a call from one family convinced they have monsters living in their walls! Armed with his spikes, his shades and his wits, Billy is on the job, and ready to save the people of Louisiana from its various vexations! Billy runs Vexcon, one of Louisiana's busiest pest removal companies, with the help of his brother Ricky, whom he describes as "just as crazy as me," his father Bill Sr., and his sassy mom Donnie who runs the office. Billy is a former US Air Force Sergeant with nearly two decades of experience in pest management.