According to Deadline, Youtube has finally spoken out on the controversial suicide video posted by popular YouTuber Logan Paul. Read the full article on Deadline here.
Last week, the popular vlogger posted a video where he and friends came across the corpse of a suicide victim in Japan. They were in a forest known for suicides. The video was seen over a million times before it was deleted by Paul himself.
YouTube has decided to get rid of Paul's channel from Google Preferred and fired him from the Youtube original series Foursome.
Read the open letter from Youtube here:
An open letter to our community:
Many of you have been frustrated with our lack of communication recently. You're right to be. You deserve to know what's going on. - Youtube (@YouTube) January 9, 2018
Like many others, we were upset by the video that was shared last week.
- Youtube (@YouTube) January 9, 2018
Suicide is not a joke, nor should it ever be a driving force for views. As Anna Akana put it perfectly: "That body was a person someone loved. You do not walk into a suicide forest with a camera and claim mental health awareness."
- Youtube (@YouTube) January 9, 2018
We expect more of the creators who build their community on @YouTube, as we're sure you do too. The channel violated our community guidelines, we acted accordingly, and we are looking at further consequences.
- Youtube (@YouTube) January 9, 2018
It's taken us a long time to respond, but we've been listening to everything you've been saying. We know that the actions of one creator can affect the entire community, so we'll have more to share soon on steps we're taking to ensure a video like this is never circulated again.
- Youtube (@YouTube) January 9, 2018