The film boasts a strong represented female-centric cast and crew consisting of more than 25 women from diverse backgrounds.
Up and coming Latina filmmaker, Yara Estrada Lowe, is stepping into the spotlight during International Women's Month, captivating audiences in NORTH AMERICA with her debut cinematic feature “DEMISE.” Already lauded by multiple publications for her distinctive storytelling and visually compelling style, Estrada Lowe is quickly being recognized as a “new voice” in Hollywood.
Renowned as a rising Latina filmmaker committed to authentic representation and diverse narratives, Estrada Lowe is making a significant impact on the film industry with her latest film. "DEMISE," an erotic thriller, promises to enthrall audiences with its gripping storyline, stunning visuals, and outstanding performances that have already earned critical acclaim. The film boasts a strong represented female-centric cast and crew consisting of more than 25 women from diverse backgrounds.
Starring Carlo Mendez, Liz Fenning, Crystal Hernandez, and featuring Morris Jude, Richard Rivera, Lucy Serrano, Caitlin Rose Williams, and Lamar Alexander, "DEMISE" is executive produced by Steven Lowe, Jon Eichelberger, Jeff Olan, and Erman Baradi and produced by Yara Estrada Lowe, Annabelle Munro, and Mycole Metcalf with Justin Aguirre as the Director of Photography and Lawrence Jordan, ACE, as the film's editor.
Set in present-day Los Angeles, "DEMISE" follows the intricate life of Caleb Castillo, a Latino landscaper entangled in a steamy love triangle with rising FASHION STAR Fiona Hernandez, while simultaneously devoted to his beautiful wife, Celine. When Caleb chooses Hernandez, the film takes the audience on a roller coaster ride of a modern-day noir as Celine refuses to go gently into the night.
"Creating entertaining, viscerally exciting stories is my passion," said Yara Estrada Lowe. " Getting this film to screen and distributed by Gravitas Ventures is a triumph of voices that are not often heard.”
In an industry where diversity and inclusion are to be valued, Estrada Lowe's work stands out for its authentic representation of Latinos in cinema. Her unique voice and directorial prowess have garnered attention from film enthusiasts and industry insiders alike.
As the film industry continues to evolve, Yara Estrada Lowe is positioned as a writer/director to watch. Her dedication to storytelling and her ability to connect with audiences on a profound level has set her apart as a rising force in cinema.
photo credit: Easton Schirra