As part of the Road to X GAMES content series, X GAMES will host the world's top athletes in a Park Qualifier event on June 10, 2017 as they compete to secure their invitation to X GAMES Minneapolis. Streamed live from Rhodes Skatepark in Boise, Idaho, the Park Qualifier will feature three disciplines - Men's Skateboard Park, Women's Skateboard Park and BMX Park. In addition to the live stream, fans can catch the Boise Park Qualifier coverage on ABC as part of the WORLD OF X GAMES content on June 17, as well as coverage across X GAMES digital and social platforms.
In each of the disciplines, the top three medalists from X GAMES Austin 2016 will pre-qualify for the Minneapolis event. The top six athletes in each discipline at the Boise Park Qualifier will also receive their invites to Minneapolis. The event is free and open to the public. Austin, TX - June 4, 2016 - Circuit of The Americas: Daniel Sandoval competing in Toyota BMX Park during X GAMES Austin 2016 (Photo by Pete Demos / ESPN Images) "Boise is the perfect venue for the X Games," said Boise Mayor David Bieter. "Rhodes Skate Park is world-class and we know that the spectators, viewers and athletes will absolutely fall in love with our city - and want to come back again and again." "Bringing the Park Qualifier to Boise provides the X GAMES an amazing opportunity to serve the ACTION SPORTS community in a new region of the country," said Tim Reed, vice president, ESPN X Games. "We are excited to work with the city of Boise to bring a world class BMX and Skateboard event to ACTION SPORTS fans in Idaho and around the world."Videos