Renowned illustrator and author Guy Gilchrist, known worldwide for his work on comic strips such as "Nancy,"and Jim Henson's "Muppets," is pleased to announce his upcoming exhibit at the prestigious Mary Hong Gallery (414 Union Street--on the GROUND FLOOR of the Bank of America building in downtown Nashville).
"Nancy Loves NASHVILLE & THE MUPPETS Take Music City" opens June 2in concert with the Downtown NASHVILLE First Saturday Art Crawl from 6 - 9 p.m., with a private reception from 5 - 6 p.m. The exhibit will feature nearly 40 original works by Guy Gilchrist on a variety of mediums including, but not limited to, hand-inked comic strip panels, 18 hand-painted stringed instruments, pen and ink drawings, and rare cartoon memorabilia. The highly-anticipated exhibit is Gilchrist's first public showing since his massive multi-year display at the NASHVILLE International Airport (Feb. 2013 - Dec. 2015).
"Miss Piggy, Kermit, Nancy, Sluggo, Aunt Fritzi, the Turtles...all my friends, and myself are all looking forward to our showing at the Mary Hong Gallery," jests Gilchrist. "I've spent countless hours making these lovable characters come to life through static pictures, mostly because I know that for one second of one day, I had the potential to make people smile all over the world. To make people in NASHVILLE smile is more personally important to me because it is my home."
"We are thrilled to present the Guy Gilchrist exhibit at our gallery," states Mary Hong, owner and curator of the gallery. "His work is a fine example of contemporary art with mass appeal. We hope that art lovers will stop by, and parents will bring their kids. It's an exhibit for all ages."
The Mary Hong exhibit will remain open until June 30. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. For more information, please call 615-423-0818 or visit