The 1st Quarter winners of the 26th year of the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Contest were announced today by Joni Labaqui, the Contest Director.
Michelle Lockamy of New Jersey
Tung Chi Lee of California
Emily Siu of Pennsylvania
"This is another talented group," said Contest judge Cliff Nielsen. "Every year they keep getting better and it is harder to select the three winners out of the eight finalists."
As winners, they are awarded a week long intensive workshop, an awards ceremony and are also published in the annual L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future. Michelle, Tung and Emily will also receive a cash prize for their win this quarter.
A Grand Prize winner is announced at the annual awards ceremony and is selected by another panel of judges. They will all now compete with the winners from the other quarters, twelve winners in all, for the grand prize of $5,000.00.
Well-known Contest judges include award winning artists Cliff Nielsen, Bob Eggleton, Stephen Hickman, Laura Brodian Freas, Judith Miller, Vincent DiFate, Leo & Diane Dillon, Stephen Youll, Dave Dorman, Shaun Tan and Stephan Martiniere.
For more information about the contest, go to