When a U.S. President is sworn into office at high noon on inauguration day, the cool facade of the White House conceals a complex mission happening at warp speed. A hand-picked and highly trained team is tasked with transitioning the old administration out as the new administration moves in - all in less than six hours. The outgoing president exits the home on inauguration day, and the incoming president enters the home complete with pictures on the walls, books on the shelves, and socks in the drawers just a few hours later. Discovery Channel takes viewers behind the scenes of past "flips" in FLIPPING THE WHITE HOUSE, premiering Sunday, October 28th at 10PM ET/PT.
This new one-hour special features interviews with former key White House staffers, including former President Regan Chief-of-Staff James Baker, former President George W. Bush Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief-of-Staff Karl Rove, former President Clinton Chief-of-Staff Mack McLarty, former President George W. Bush advisor Karen Hughes, former Vice President Dan Quayle, former President Obama social secretary Desiree Rogers and White House Chief Usher from 1986-2007, Gary J. Walters. These White House insiders share valuable insight about the flips which oftentimes happen under very tense circumstances, including President Carter's transition which was scheduled in the midst of the Iranian hostage negotiations. They also share little known moments, such as President Clinton's late arrival to his own scheduled exit - sending White House Chief Usher Gary J. Walters into a panic.Videos