Event host Kevin Rouse, alongside partners Darryl Pitts, Chuckie Miller, Marva King and Dantae Dupree, are gearing up for a live weekend amid the momentum of the "BET Experience" happening in Los Angeles in late June. On Saturday, June 28, 2014, the promotional crew will present the beautiful actress Wendy Raquel Robinson, television's popular Tasha Mack from BET's hit series "The Game," as the host of their "The City of Angels Celebrity Red Carpet Experience."
This event will be held at the Bonaventura Brewing Company, 404 S. Figueroa Street, 4th Floor in Downtown Los Angeles, from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Robinson will be joined by KJLH radio personality, Kevin Nash, recognized at The Voice of BET on the BET Awards and the Celebration of Gospel shows. Former Death Rod artist Tommy Boy will also perform his new single.
"A bevy of big name talent will descend upon Los Angeles this particular weekend," explains Rouse, who along with Pitts and Miller boasts a roster of events that includes "The Annual Elegant New Year's Eve by the Sea," "L.A. Nights" and "Legends of Hip Hop."
Rouse adds: "This event is a cumulative effort of some of L.A.'s finest party planners as we offer a spectacular presentation that all of the city's professionals can be a part of. Our very special guest of honor, the delightful Wendy Raquel Robinson is joining us, so I'm sure we can anticipate several of her celebrity friends dropping in that night as well."
Bottle service and VIP tables are available. Drink specials and complimentary hors d'oeuvres will be served from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Attendees from the BET festivities will receive a $15 discount by showing their ticket stubs.
For ticket information go to:*
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/city-of-angels-celebrity-red-carpet-experience-2014-hosted-by-wendy-raquel-robinson-tickets-10513366763 .