The nationally Syndicated game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" will present an entire week of special celebrity contestants during "Celebrity Week: Las Vegas," airing Monday, Oc. 15 - Friday, Oct. 19. This season the show will have given away more than $100 million in total winnings since its Syndicated debut and during "Celebrity Week: Las Vegas," each contestant will take on the classic 14-question game for the chance to win $1 million for their favorite charity.
Monday, October 15 - AJ McLean and Howie Dorough of the Backstreet Boys
The best-selling BOY BAND of all time, Backstreet Boys, are performing at the Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. AJ and Howie will be playing for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 16 and 17 - Cheryl "Salt" James and Sandra "Pepa" Denton
of Salt-N-Pepa
Iconic hip-hop group Salt-N-Pepa are currently headlining "I Love The 90s - The Vegas Show" at Paris Theater. Cheryl and Sandra's winnings will go to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Adding even more excitement to their appearance, hip-hop duo Christopher "Kid" Reid and Christopher "Play" Martin of Kid 'N Play will serve as Salt-N-Pepa's "Plus One" lifeline.
Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 17 and 18 - Tom Green
Comedian Tom Green is performing at Harrah's Showroom at Harrah's Las Vegas. Green will donate his winnings to USC Keck School of Medicine.
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 18 and 19 - Paul Shaffer
Legendary bandleader, multi-instrumentalist, singer, composer and comedian Paul Shaffer is performing at Cleopatra's Barge at Caesars Palace for a limited run with his band The Sh?f-Shifters. Shaffer will be playing "Millionaire" for Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Hosted by Chris Harrison, the Emmy®-nominated "Millionaire" airs across the country weekdays in national syndication. It is taped in front of a live studio audience at Caesars Entertainment Studios in Las Vegas. Go to for time and channel.
Photo credit: Jacob Kepler/Disney|ABC*