Iconic game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" will celebrate the 2019 edition of National Trivia Day on Friday, Jan. 4, with a day-long sweepstakes giving fans of the program the chance to test their knowledge, answer "Millionaire"-style questions and win prizes.
The sweepstakes will play out across "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"'s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram platforms from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. EST. Every two hours during that window of time, the show will post a trivia question and ask fans for the correct answer, using the hashtag #MillionaireSweepstakes. And every two hours, the "Millionaire" team will randomly pick two winners who each will receive a $100 American Express ® gift card.
For additional details and sweepstakes rules, go to MillionaireTV.com.
Now in its 17 th season, the Emmy ® -nominated "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" airs across the country weekdays in national syndication. Hosted by Chris Harrison, it is taped in front of a live studio audience at Caesars Entertainment Studios in Las Vegas. Go to MillionaireTV.com for time and channel. James Rowley serves as executive producer.