During the month of November the iconic game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire," with host Terry Crews, will present four fun and exciting theme weeks: "Millionaire: Whiz Kids," "Celebrity Week," "Millionaire: Daytime Talk Show Week" and "Millionaire: Guinness World Records® Edition."
During the week of November 3, "Millionaire" will feature a group of "Whiz Kids" from across the country. Four amazing and talented young minds will play for the chance to win $1 million, representing their hometowns of Los Angeles, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Baltimore and Tucson.
From November 10-14, "Millionaire" presents "Guinness World Records® Edition," featuring contestants who have all been inducted into the Guinness World Records. Highlighting the week on November 14 is the former "Jeopardy!" champion and game show legend Ken Jennings. Jennings is the former Guinness World Records title-holder for the "Largest Cash Prize Won on a TV Game Show." Among the other players appearing throughout the week will be a record-holding pumpkin carver, Stephen Clarke, and Robert Bretall, the owner of the largest comic book collection.
During the week of November 17, "Millionaire" presents "Celebrity Week," which will feature five popular celebs playing for the charity of his or her choice. Appearing that week will be Heather and Dr. Terry Dubrow from "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and "Botched" (11/17 & 11/18), musician and actor Kevin Jonas (11/19), "Shark Tank's" Barbara Corcoran (11/19 & 11/20), Andy Cohen, host of "Watch What Happens Live" (11/20 & 11/21), and also from "Shark Tank," Robert Herjavec (11/21).
Rounding out the month will be "Daytime Talk Show Week," airing November 24-28. Favorite talk show personalities also will be playing for charity, and will include "The Chew's" Carla Hall (11/24), "The Real's" Loni Love (11/25), "The JERRY SPRINGER Show's" own JERRY SPRINGER (11/26), Dr. Travis Stork from "The Doctors" (11/27), and "LIVE with Kelly and Michael's" executive producer Michael Gelman (11/28).
"Millionaire" airs across the country weekdays in national syndication. Go to MillionaireTV.com for time and channel. "Millionaire" is produced by Valleycrest Productions Ltd. and is distributed by Disney-ABC Domestic Television. James Rowley serves as executive producer of "Millionaire," which is taped at the Connecticut Film Center in Stamford, Connecticut.